Oil System Cleaner Service
Oil is the life blood of your vehicle. The viscosity of oil breaks down over time. As the oil breaks down, deposits, tarnish, and sludge begin to build in the engine of your automobile. This build up of contaminants can cause valves and rocker arms to stick and may restrict the flow oil to vital parts of your engine. As many vehicles age, they begin to burn oil under normal operation, resulting in lower oil levels and a higher risk of sludge. Oil sludge and low oil levels are common catalysts to engine failure.
Depending on the type vehicle you own and your driving conditions, an oil system cleaner should be used every 9,000 to 12,000 miles. This service includes a chemical cleaning agent designed to clear contaminants, including sludge, from your engine. This cleaner increases engine life expectancy and enhances performance by removing these impurities.