Power Steering Service

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iStock_000001542204XSmallFor most modern vehicles on the road, power steering is a standard feature. Because the power steering regulates your ability to safely operate your vehicle, it is extremely important that the system receive proper care and maintenance.

Over time, you may experience a gradual increase in the amount of energy required to steer your vehicle or notice grinding or squealing noises when turning the steering wheel of your automobile. These symptoms may be a result of power steering fluid breakdown, moisture buildup, fluid contamination, or air bubbles in the system lines.

Snappy Lube offers fluid flush for the power steering system that evacuates fluid corrupted by deposits, debris, and other impurities from the reservoir, lines, power steering gearbox, pistons, and pump. Once the contaminated fluid has been properly removed, new fluid, which meets the manufacturer’s specifications, is added to the proper level. After the service is complete, we will test your power steering system to ensure that it is in safe running order.


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