Windshield Wiper Replacement

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iStock_000004279376XSmallProperly operating windshield wipers are very important to your safety as a driver or passenger. Most states require by law that front wipers operate as they were designed. Changing weather conditions, age, and exposure to UV light from the sun can cause your wipers to harden, warp, tear, or otherwise deteriorate. If your wipers are chattering, leaving streak marks, or cleaning poorly in either direction, it is time to have them replaced.

Because defective wipers do not properly clear the windshield, driving in adverse conditions without effective windshield wiper blades is not safe. Most safety experts suggest replacing wipers once every 12 months to maximize visibility and overall wiper performance.

Snappy Lube carries the windshield wiper blade replacements and the tools required to expedite replacement on all makes and models of vehicles. We will remove the old, ineffective or damaged blade and install a new wiper blade that meets the manufacturer’s specifications.


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